Wednesday 7 September 2011

AdiWira Barat : Rujukan dari Kitab Injil?

Semasa membuat kajian tentang Adiwira, laman carian google menyenaraikan halaman ini

Memandangkan tajuknya amat menarik, maka saya teruskan membacanya sehingga tamat.

Reading this particular article made me laugh, for a number of reasons.  I mean, the commentary is absolutely hilarious!  Stuff like:

“Biblical scholars have bitterly debated whether or not Samson could have stood up to modern weaponry.”

“Between communicating with storms, walking on water and turning water into wine, the man (Jesus) pretty much had the whole water thing under his thumb. In some sense, we’d be like a non-useless Aquaman, if that is even possible.”

“These guys (Elisha & Elijah) were basically plugged into The Matrix here, and could do anything they wanted whether the laws of physics were cool with it or not.”

In addition to the fact that I know there indeed does exist a “Super Hero Bible” (which I haven’t read, but I’m ordering it right now…!) the article is a keeper.

But it does bring a particular personal meditation that I’ve had a number of times in light of my appreciative enjoyment for all things comic:

Are the super heroes of today based (loosely, perhaps) off of Scripture?  Where did we ever come up with things like Iron Man, The Hulk, Fantastic Four, etc?

I mean, it makes sense, right?  The amazing stories of David’s exploits and taking down Goliath, many of the Judges (Ehud is one of my favs), Elisha/Elijah and their powerful craziness, and of course our main man Jesus all had to produce within us a desire for superhuman abilities and character traits, right?
The desire to be much more than we actually are and could ever hope to be, right?

Maybe.  Or maybe not.

Perhaps it’s simply our expression and understanding of what makes one truly great.  Saving a beautiful woman falling from a collapsing building via a nifty web-slinging contraption coming out of our hands with the whole city watching is pretty darn cool…

But what of being used by God to share the Gospel with an utterly sinful man which results in repentance and his salvation which glorifies our God in Heaven?  Is that not even more incredible?
Perhaps it’s so impossible (by human means), so utterly improbable, much more illogical than that of the Marvel characters abilities, that we shelf it’s power and reserve our applause for paper-and-pen comic book superheroes.

I know I do at times.

 Apa komen anda?

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